Digital Printing Has Changed the Future of Printing

Digital printing has changed the sign industry. While printing has always been a popular way to advertise, for centuries it remained stagnant with little to offer beyond a few printing methods. Part of the reason for such stagnation included high start-up and set-up costs. Today, technological advances have made printing a much easier and faster process. Couple advanced technology with more accurate print and highly detailed graphics, and digital printing has become the top choice for printing jobs.
Below are six of the main reasons digital printing has become one of the most popular sign choices for businesses all over the world:
- Accuracy: No matter how many times you repeat a digital print, it will accurately produce the same high quality image. Digital printing is one of the most accurate ways of printing for companies that are concerned with saving money and reducing waste compared to the messy process of offset printing.
- Proof Prints: When hundreds of flyers need to be produced, it is important to proof them for accuracy. Typical offset printing takes a long time to produce a single print for proofing and tends to be expensive. Digital printing immediately produces a print and costs much less, so it is easy to proof prints before thousands of prints are created.
- Inexpensive: Digital printing costs less than offset printing. When a printing project is small, offset printing takes too long to set up and costs more than a quick digital print. The unit cost for digital printing is lower. This means that, no matter how small a project may be, it is more cost-effective to use fast and efficient digital printing services.
- Swift Turnaround Times: Digital printing does not require a lengthy preparation of a press like offset printing. Therefore, it is a quick printing method that can finish whenever a project needs to be completed. This results in immediate printing that occurs in a very short amount of time.
- Printing Color: Digital printing uses a four color process that is much cheaper than traditional printing processes. This gives printing jobs a multi-colored printing option that is stunning and low in cost. It provides more graphic choices than offset printing as well. The use of multiple colors can truly set ads and printing projects apart from others that are only capable of using a few colors.
- Printing Variables: Variable data printing allows for the production of many different printing types at the same time. There is no need to stop and change a press, like in offset printing. Every print job that involves digital printing is absolutely customizable. This equates to being able to use different graphics and texts in a constant fluid motion. Information is read from an external file or database, so graphics and text can be different on each printing piece. Digital printing is great for producing mass letters that need different names and address on each letter. Types of printing that rely on digital printing are direct marketing, advertising, and customer relation development.
- Medium of Printing: Digital printing is a type of printing that is able to print on unusual printing surfaces, including vinyls that adhere to sign substrates. It does not matter what the size, finish, or surface of the paper may be; there are increasing options for digital printing that far outweigh any other. When you need flexible printing options, digital printing is perfect for you.
- Printing Customizations: In addition to digital printing applications with signs, marketing materials are more customizable with digital printing. In fact, digital printing offers the most options when it comes to customizing a printing job. It still remains affordable and is the perfect way to customize letters, ads, and direct mail pieces for marketing purposes.
The Choice Is Obvious
One of the main reasons digital printing is more cost-effective is that many mechanical steps have been eliminated verses offset printing. This means there is no need to make films, proof colors, or manually strip pieces to make plates. Digital printing for signage saves businesses money with versatile techniques that allow for quick and accurate printing services. With this kind of edge, it is easy to see why digital printing is the choice of many who need quality graphics at a fraction of the cost.
Three Locations to Serve You
Charleston, SC
(843) 552-2626
Columbia, SC
(803) 731-2001
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 724-4321